Ubeswap and APY.Vision NFT Giveaway

To celebrate the launch of support for the Celo chain and Ubeswap in the APY.Vision application, we have teamed up to giveaway 15 custom artwork NFTs that grant Pro access to the APY.Vision platform. Winners will be selected from the Ubeswap Optics & Allbridge pools, more details below.
About Ubeswap
Ubeswap is a decentralized exchange and automated market maker protocol for Celo assets. Ubeswap enables Celo users and applications to trade between any two ERC20 tokens with a mobile-first interface. Ubeswap’s protocol design is based on Uniswap’s core contracts which means any DeFi application built using Uniswap can easily integrate with Ubeswap.
Tracking your Ubeswap LP positions on APY.Vision
APY.Vision will be launching Celo support starting with UbeSwap as our first supported AMM. APY.Vision will give LP’s the insights they need to make intelligent decisions when adding and withdrawing liquidity. Everyone can use the free version of the site to track their portfolios and keep track of impermanent loss and farming rewards generated by their liquidity pool positions. The NFT we are giving away will unlock premium Pro features that normally have to be accessed by purchasing the VISION token.
Raffle Details
To be eligible to win the NFT pictured above, provide liquidity to one of the following pools on Ubeswap between the dates Oct 8 and Oct 15 . The lucky winners will receive an UBExAPY NFT that allows access to the PRO edition of APY.vision until 01/01/2022. A total of 15 NFTs will be given to the winners. You can see the list of farming pools on Ubeswap here which all Ubeswap users can track with the free version of APY.Vision.
List of eligible pools:
What does holding the NFT give me?
By holding the UBExAPY NFT, the holder will have access to the APY.vision professional edition. The PRO edition unlocks additional analytics and insights for liquidity providers.
How many winners will be there?
There will be 15 winners randomly selected from the list of wallet addresses providing liquidity to the listed pools above. Each NFT will unlock access until 01/01/2022 to the PRO edition of APY.vision.
How can I learn more about APY.vision?
You can learn all about APY.vision at https://apy.vision.
APY.Vision does not give investment advice and always insists that you do your own research. Read our full Legal Disclaimer.
Check out APY.Vision!
APY.Vision is an advanced analytics tool for liquidity pool providers and yield farmers. If you’re using any DEXs, AMMs, or liquidity pools this is the tool you will need to easily track the ROI of your liquidity provider and yield farming activities. Try it now!