

Balancer and APY.vision NFT Giveaway

To celebrate the launch of the new veBAL tokenomics, we have teamed up to giveaway 30 custom artwork NFTs that grant Pro access to the APY.vision platform. Winners will be selected from the list of wallets holding veBAL, more details…

How to provide liquidity to Beefy Vaults on Fantom

Beefy Fantom

In this guide we will explain how to provide liquidity to Beefy Vaults on Fantom to earn yield farming rewards. What is Fantom? Fantom is a high-performance, scalable, and secure smart-contract platform. It is designed to overcome the limitations of…

APY.vision Changes to Dashboard Interface


In this article we will be sharing some of the updates that have been made to the APY.vision dashboard interface. This is the dashboard prior to the changes pictured above. The biggest difference users will notice is the “include market…

How to provide liquidity to Beethoven X on Fantom

Beethoven X

In this guide we will explain how to provide liquidity to Beethoven X pools on the Fantom network to earn swap fees and yield farming rewards. What is Fantom? Fantom is a high-performance, scalable, and secure smart-contract platform. It is…

yAxis and APY.Vision NFT Giveaway


To celebrate the launch of yAxis’ new FRAX, Tricrypto2 and cvxETH vaults on Ethereum, and the upcoming launch of the protocol on the Avalanche chain, we have teamed up to giveaway 30 custom artwork NFTs that grant Pro access to…

APY.vision Vault support guide


In this guide we will explain the features on APY.vision for tracking DeFi vaults.  What is a DeFi Vault? Yield farming for an individual with limited funds can be cost prohibitive due to high transaction costs for claiming rewards. To…