We’ve rebranded to APY.vision

Our former product, Liquidity Vision, has been completely revamped while we prepare our users for a better service. Engineering has been very hard at work building out our tool set for liquidity providers on AMM protocols such as Uniswap and Balancer since the initial launch of Liquidity Vision and we’re excited to announce that as part of moving towards a more advanced feature set, we’ve changed our name to APY.vision!
What are the changes?
Product Changes
In addition to changing the name and the brand, we are also going to be introducing a host of new features for our pro members.
In the initial launch, we will support the following features:
- Dark/Light mode switch
- Saving addresses locally
- More advanced statistics (such as average bought price calculation in the More Info modal)
- Multi wallet search
- Detailed pool historical information

Stay tuned, more features are coming in the next weeks as we work on finishing them for the pro membership!
Personnel Changes
To better align the vision of the product, the community and the team, we have made some personnel changes. Please be advised that the old Discord is no longer being maintained by official members of APY.vision. The new Discord server is https://discord.gg/ePfGAYbqUq and all the support will be provided there. Please also note our new Twitter is @APYVision so please direct all support inquiries there instead as the old Twitter is no longer maintained by the team.
Follow us on our new channels!
Website: https://apy.vision
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApyVision
Discord: https://discord.gg/ePfGAYbqUq
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